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sunrise heart
rose quartz amethyst
sunrise heart
Reiki facilitates healing of the heart, mind, body and soul
While Reiki is most widely known for its relaxation and stress relief, it has also been successful in treating many illnesses and injuries, as well as the emotional effects of dealing with life's many challenges. In addition, Reiki is safe for all ages, and many parents are grateful for the calming effect Reiki has on their children.
Below is a sampling of the benefits of Reiki, however, the benefits of Reiki's calm, loving and healing energy are truly unlimited.
Healing of the Heart (Emotions)
Loss/grief of a loved one
Childhood trauma (abuse)
Emotional effects of Divorce/Breakups
Releases fears and promotes self-love
Healing of the Mind (Thoughts)
Reduces/relieves stress
Reduces/relieves anxiety
Helps identify and heal negative self-talk
Helps bring clarity and understanding
to difficult situations
Healing of the Body (Physical Ailments)
Relieves/reduces chronic and acute pain
Faster healing from illness, injury, and surgery
Reduces pain and discomfort associated with many diseases
Promotes better sleep
Soul (Spiritual Growth)
Spiritual awakening
Helps to discover your soul purpose
Helps identify and understand your life lessons
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